Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome
National Institute for Trial Advocacy
"Opening Statement in the Jury Trial", National Institute for Trial Advocacy, 1992
"The Use of Deposition at Trial", National Institute for Trial Advocacy, 1992
"The Essentials of Impeachment", National Institute for Trial Advocacy, 1996
Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel
"Opening Statement and Closing Argument", LADC Product Liability Trial Notebook,
Contributing Author, 1991
"Life on the High Wire - the Duty to Defend in LA", LADC New Orleans, 1995
"Bad Faith Penalties Against Insurers", LADC Attorney/Client Seminar, 1999
Tulane University School of Law
"The Use of Documentary Evidence at Trial", Tulane University School of Law, Master the Evidence,
4th Trial by Masters, Tulane University School of Law, 1991, 1992
Louisiana State Bar Association
"Recent Developments in Insurance Law", Summer School for Lawyers, Issues and Trends in Insurance
Law, 1992
"Opening Statement and Closing Argument", Back to the Future: A New Look at the Principles of
Persuasion, LSBA Young Lawyers Section, CLE in Grand Cayman, 1992
"Armed and Dangerous: Preparing Yourself and Your Client for the Deposition", Depositions from A-Z,
LSBA, 1994
"Hitting the High Notes in Opening and Closing", LSBA, 2001
"Cross Examination of Plaintiff's Expert: The Art of War", LSBA Journal, 2001
“Personal Injury - How to Handle the BIG Case From Both Sides”, 2012
Loyola University School of Law
"Using Evidence in Opening Statement", Loyola University School of Law, Seventh Annual Evidence
Law Conference, 1992 - 1995
"Setting the Stage for Evidence Through The Opening Statement", Loyola University School of Law,
Ninth Annual Evidence Law Conference, 1997
Crossroads American Inn of Court
"Preparation of the Client for a Discovery Deposition", Crossroads American Inn of Court, 1993
American Bar Association
"Persuasive Speaking", ABA Young Lawyers Section, Walkin' to New Orleans Delta Conference, 1993
Louisiana Department of Justice
"How to Win Friends and Influence People: The Closing Argument in a Jury Trial ", LA Department of
Justice Litigation Division B.R., Fall Trial Tactics Seminar, 1995
"How to Win Friends and Influence People: The Closing Argument in a Jury Trial ", LA Department of
Justice Litigation Division B.R., Fall Trial Tactics Seminar, 1997
Central Louisiana Pro Bono Project
"Don't Gamble on Opening Statement and Closing Argument ", Young Lawyers Section, The Central
Louisiana Pro Bono Project, 1995
Alexandria Bar Association
"Jury Selections", Alexandria Bar Association, 2001